Uganda needs our help
Uganda is located in East Africa and, with an area of over 240,000 kilometers, is about six times as large as Switzerland. The average life expectancy is 53 years, the GDP per capita is 2100 USD.
In the HDI ranking of development Uganda is ranked only 163 out of 188 (HDI = Index of Human Development of the United Nations, UNDP)!
The wounds in this country, caused by one of Africa’s highest HIV rates and a civil war between rebel forces and the civilian government, are slowly healing. There are still countless disadvantaged children, including many orphans. Of the 39 million inhabitants, 50 percent are under 15 years old. They all need a perspective and hope.
Because Uganda is alive and wants to keep on living, we are pursuing this goal with our aid project God helps Uganda (GHU) and provide sponsorships in order to accomplish it. That’s why the growing generation needs our continuous help.